{ UPDATE } This blog had moved to our official site: WWW.EASTSHORE.XYZ Check our official site for the newest bitcoin miner, the most updated tutorial and amazing support! :-) {Video Guide} Here is a video guide by EastShore for how to reset the miner. {Rest Guide} The reset hole is beside the ethernet port (The hole in the red circle in the following picture). It might be blocked by the "QC PASSED" label. You'll need something sharp and pointy to push the reset button. Connect the miner, and the PSU. The miner connected should be like this: Power on the miner. Wait for about 1~3 minutes, until a red light shows up on the blade. (There will be a red light shows up on each blade of the miner ) And a closer look of the red light. Then, get something sharp and pointy to push the reset hole for some seconds, until a red light shows up beside ethernet port. Then release the reset button. Then please the p...
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